Sunday, April 16, 2006

Raining dreams..!

He was fast asleep
before the rain began..
It is still raining dreams
and now he is awake!

No one to come this day,
nothing to buy today, or
nowhere to go anyway..
He continued sleeping..!


Anonymous said...

it's just one of those days for me today

ജെയിംസ് ബ്രൈറ്റ് said...
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ജെയിംസ് ബ്രൈറ്റ് said...

Maya@ It is nice to have such days once in a while.
Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

yeah!! sometimes you wake up with a smile, and just go to sleep again..!! just to continuue the dream!!

Anonymous said...

Sleep well Dream well and wake well

ജെയിംസ് ബ്രൈറ്റ് said...

@Marthyan: Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

one fine day, he would definitely wake up...! very profound,doc!!

Anonymous said...

He continued floating in the land of dreams never wanting to wake up to a lonely world..

Anonymous said...

Best thing ot do...Be nonchalant n sleep...Though the circumstance is different or may be here.